Proud Mum

We had a trip to Wetherby this morning for optician appointments - one after the other! I went first and then while Mrs madwill was being tested I went for a wander down to the riverside near the bridge.

There were a few people there feeding the ducks and this little family group came over to get some - there was another chick with them, bit not in this shot. There were plenty of bigger ducklings - all with proper feathers, but just the five chicks.

Some good and some bad news regarding the optician - good news is that my prescription has not changed in the last two years so my existing glasses are ok - but given that some them are broken and/or scratched I have decided to replace a couple of pairs. Bad news is that it cost me £100 for them…and the optician spotted something in the scans so he referred me to the GP - which I guess will mean another referral to the hospital and more trips to Harrogate - great!!

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