Mountain Laurel, Kalmia Latifolia

Pretty flowers, and a dash of reminiscence. . . .

The woods and the highways and byways of Pennsylvania are covered in mountain laurel, and in June, they bloom like crazy. The flowers look like this, mostly white with pink accents, though some bushes are WAY more pink than this one. I don't know what makes some of them pinker; I guess it's just the pink magic, working its way out in the world.

The scientific name is Kalmia latifolia, and I always say it to myself when I see it. I don't know why. I just like how it rolls off the tongue. I also like knowing its name. It feels like having a power over it. (Latifolia just means "with broad leaves.") Say it with me: Kalmia latifolia.

The laurel typically blooms around the time of my parents' wedding anniversary (celebrating 73 years this past June 17th) and Father's Day and my husband's birthday. You would not believe how MUCH laurel there is everywhere. It is an evergreen shrub, and it is here all the time. But you only mostly notice it in June, when the ubiquitous flowers open.

A thing you may not know is how the woods look at dusk when the mountain laurel is blooming. The flowers are white and they are everywhere. At dusk, they draw down the light from the heavens, and it is like moonlight in the woods, with all of those white flowers shining.

I am happy to report that mountain laurel is Pennsylvania's state flower. It is also Connecticut's state flower. I think we've done well, for it is such a pretty thing.

And it reminds me of the prom gown that my mom and I made my senior year. The prom theme was Dreams Beyond the Rainbow, and I was in love with an exchange student from Brazil, and it was SO romantic! Of course, my exchange student went back home and broke my heart, but that was well AFTER the mountain laurel stopped blooming.

I was too poor to afford a store-bought gown, so my mother and I made one from scratch. It was white with tiny pink rosettes, and lots of lace. My date wore a white tuxedo and gave me a pretty corsage. I think back and remember all these things when the mountain laurel is in bloom.  :-)

My soundtrack for a mountain laurel shot has to be mountain music, so here's Alabama, with Mountain Music.

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