
By Houseonahill6

Hot, hot,hot

Another hot day. David had Uni reading to do so sat in the shade and read. Mike did some more in the garden. I swept and cleared some of the bottom decking. Some of it will need to be replaced but it’s not too bad. I have not really been down there for a while so it was nice to see the view again. I expect I’ll be spending abit more time down there now.
The bluetits have kept me entertained and the baby woodpeckers are getting so close to coming into the garden.
Had kebabs for dinner and then watched a film together.
Also watched the Trooping of the Colour. Much cooler for the soldiers today, so no fainting unlike during the rehearsal when several had to be stretchered away.
A helicopter flew over which I think had Lionel Richie in as he was playing at a castle nearby at a party for the wealthiest man in Scotland .

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