Fel pysgodyn allan o ddŵr

Fel pysgodyn allan o ddŵr ~ Like a fish out of water

“If you want to be happy and become enlightened, give up all forms of selfishness and harmful behaviour. Live to help others. Above all—try to be kind.”
― Rob Nairn

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Metamorffosis - broga ddoe yw pysgodyn heddiw... Yfory?

Lego yw fel 'paentio gyda rhifau' ar gyfer cerflun. nid yw'n hollol 'celf' oherwydd dydy e ddim creadigrwydd - yn y synnwyr dych chi ddim ond dilyn cyfarwyddiadau. Ar law arall mae gwerthfawrogiad o'r dylunwyr a mwynhad adeiladu rhywbeth lliwgar a diddorol.

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Metamorphosis - yesterday's frog is today's fish... Tomorrow?

Lego is like 'painting by numbers' for sculpture. it's not quite 'art' because it's not creativity - in the sense you're just following instructions. On the other hand there is an appreciation of the designers and the enjoyment of building something colourful and interesting.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Pysgodyn model Lego wrth ymyl y pwll yn yr ardd
Description (English): Lego model fish by the pond in the garden

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