The next phase of decorating got under way today.  The stairs and landing are complete, now for the main hall - a much  bigger job (11½ doors, including cupboard doors and the small door to the under stairs cupboard). Today was filling and repairing cracks, holes, knocks and scrapes followed by rubbing down glosswork.  More rubbing down still to be done - and it makes such a mess: dust everywhere.

The only real break today was when my new (to me) lens arrived.  I bought a 24-70mm f/2.8 stabilised lens when I bought my  new mirrorless camera, and  I felt that the old 24-70mm f/2.8 non-stabilised lens on my faithful old DSLR was now superfluous, but I still wanted a "standard" zoom for the DSLR.  So I did an exchange for a used 24-105mm f/4 stabilised lens.  This gives me image stabilisation on the DSLR and a useful extended zoom range and I can put up with the lower light transmission for occasional use.  It  can also be used (with the adapter) on my mirrorless body, giving me a useful option. The exchange also gave me a useful sum of money back.

All I want now is the time to get out and take photographs.

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