What’s in a name?

We woke to grumbling thunder which developed into a short but intense storm coinciding with the arrival of the shopping.

After that there was a slow improvement although it remained humid for most of the day, especially when I was out running. The evening was very pleasant when I attended the Parish Council’s Environment Committee where they discussed our activity plans. Some good outcomes and the promise of further discussions.

You may remember a long standing friend of mine that I re-established contact with after a 45 year gap who then promptly moved to Bulgaria with his Bulgarian wife? He called yesterday to say they were in the UK so I was able to spend a few hours with them as they stopped off on their way back to Luton Airport.

By the end of the afternoon I was still blipless. Fortunately, Susan was in her studio. She’s taken to display her work on the walls, which provided todays blip. These are the names of family and friends, and a dog, who have had the framed original to mark their birth (not the dog though). And there are a few of Susan’s other paintings included.

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