Another coffee

We needed a meeting to discuss plans for some training for our upcoming summer schools and decided we would think much better if we were fuelled by coffee!

We have the bare bones of a plan now but need to chat more with our academic skills colleagues so we can do a joint session covering a wider range of topics.

Things can feel a bit dead over the summer so it is nice to have these sessions running whilst the rest of the students are away.

We had some lovely big showers today with very welcome rain.  It doesn’t seem to have cooled down much but it will have perked the garden up.

Leo was out playing 6 aside footie with his new Cully Reserves mates.  He came back drenched but happy with an 8-0 win.  

It sounds like he had a nice lazy day other than that.  Am sure the novelty of that will wear off soon and he will have to come up with a plan to occupy himself over the summer.  Maybe he will even be tempted to find himself a job.

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