Looking down Maspie Den.

I was full of good intentions for today but you know what happens to good intentions. . Nothing got done apart from a trip to M&S. I came back over the hill road and stopped at Craigmead car park which was completely empty. A rare sight. There had been a lot of showers, some heavy, but that doesn't usually put everyone off. The vandalised ticket machine has been replaced so  I worked out how to get a free ticket for two hours. The chances of me having a two hour walk are nil but I took the path that goes down Maspie Den to get a blip then came home. Jenny was just leaving so we had a chat. She was up at Glencoe in her van at the weekend and was feeling too lazy to cook so was off to MacDonald's with her sons.  Sounds appealing. I am getting to grips with my new cooker but their instruction booklet is the worst I have ever come across. Totally incomprehensible..  

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