Baby Bouquetin

I was spoilt for choice about what to blip today after an early morning walk up the Grand Chamossaire. We hadn’t even arrived at the summit when we saw two female bouquetin. I spent 5 mins crouched in the grass photographing one of them when I realised she had a baby with her. I retreated and hoped the baby might have a wander and that’s exactly what happened after about 15 mins. We were delighted as it pottered along, looking a bit unsteady at times. Mum continued to munch on the grass. It was such a special encounter but I was glad when they wandered away as this part of the mountain gets a lot of visitors and I think they’d be better off further away.

We continued our walk but after a few minutes ended up stopped again as we watched more bouquetin running, playing on the cliffs. Further on, a herd of chamois below us. We didn’t walk very far at all and nearly two hours had passed so we headed back to the cable car. I’ve included a few more in the extras as it was such an amazing morning.

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