A bit of colour

I have also backblipped yesterday's The King's head ... .... hope you will have a look .... thanks to those who already have :-)

Noticed these little bright orange flowers growing on the verge nearby ..... not sure if they are native wildflowers or escapees from a garden!

Whichever, I thought they looked rather cheerful :-)

We had rain overnight with a couple of showers this morning ..... the sun stuck it's tongue out & then disappeared so it has been rather grey all afternoon.

Stay safe everyone :-)

Update - thanks to several blippers for an identification. They are Orange Hawkweed ..... also known as Fox and Cubs .... or Devil's Paintbrush!

Another rant to follow!

I have just discovered that the 3G network is to be switched off too & also 2G soon after!

This means that both mine & Hubby's mobile phones will no longer work! More expense as we will need phones that are 4G compatible! Wonder what else they can turn off?!
Wish they would just leave things alone!

Rant over for now ..... there may be more to follow in future!

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