Making a Stand

A rainy walk up to the station to get the 9.47am into Leeds.
You can see by my blip how quick the journey is.
Remembered to exit the station at City Square so l could view this temporary art installation erected over the past couple of weeks.
The blurb tells me that for the next six months.the square is to be transformed into a ‘magical ancient sculpture forest.
Sustainability is key and the timber used will be repurposed when the work is dismantled at end of the year.
Art is always meant to be a talking point and l’ve already read a lot of comments,  mostly negative about the cost. 
But it’s not come from any local taxes, a grant has been given for the project, l think from lottery funding.

My last class at Northern Ballet for this academic year, back in September.
Home for a quick sandwich then out to pick Kitty up.
Just read her end of year report from Northern Ballet , she is moving to level 4 missing out the foundation level for that grade, well done her.
It means she will get the train into Leeds after school from Monday to Thursday and also do all day Saturday.
My granny taxi ( currently Tuesday and Thursday ) will come to an end when the new term begins, that’s the end of an era where l’ve helped with all five grandchildren, first was day care , then after school care for eighteen years…it went in a flash.

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