Where's Julez??

Did I do it? Did I finally say "sod this for a game of soldiers", grab my passport and jet off to a sunny beach miles away?*

Either way - since last night my Dad has been transferred to yet another different ward. I discovered this when I called this morning to find out if he was any closer to getting his operation yet. He is not, and the ultrasound he has been waiting for has now been switched to an MRI scan... and the operation may or may not go ahead...

I wonder why they are so indecisive? Nothing has changed since the original decision was made, other than his location in the hospital of course.

I've carried out quite a bit of phone conversation with hospital staff, the care company and occupational therapy today too, as well as texting Estelle.

* Of course I haven't - if only!! This is Lake Como, where Grace is currently on holiday with Sophia and her housemates! It has not stopped raining here - extra of the soggy hanging baskets in the back yard! Time to go for today's stop on the extended tour of Lincoln County Hospital! The sooner I go, the sooner I can come home! 

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