The continuing saga of access to bird feeders.

The anti squirrel baffle proved to be highly effective at stopping squirrels gain access to the feeders. Their only downside was the baffle got rather messy.

However, having defeated the squirrels along came the crows, rooks and ravens that were able to eat large quantities of the bird feeder contents.

So I purchased two new feeders which has stopped the crows etc but the squirrel can now climb the poles and try and get some of the food. The squirrels go for the crumbs using their paws. They cannot get through to the feeder but they like to perch on the branch which is now stopping the birds returning.

So the next step is consideration of purchasing a new baffle.

Early blip today as lots of jobs to do and Mrs C and I are going to Pershore to see Vermeer - Exhibition on Screen later today.

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