Pharm party

Woke with my leg still very itchy …late last night it had started to itch and burn and I guess I’d been stung or bitten on my walk yesterday, some of which was through long grass. Can’t see anything though, so hopefully it will just fade
After the usual catch up call with JS, VickyG arrived for us to do planning for the Board meeting on Friday and then to take part in a committee meeting online. Afterwards we grabbed some lunch in Soi38 (Pad Thai and green papaya salad) and chatted about a whole range of topics as usual….
Worked on things to go out to members for Friday, then I left her working in peace at the flat whilst I had the slightly surreal experience of going into one of the meeting rooms at my old workplace to chair the first meeting of an advisory group. Went well, although somewhat free flowing discussion….
Home and just time to turn myself around and get to Book Group at M’s. We’d read Barbara Kingsolver’s Demon Copperhead and the food was Appalachian themed (and very hearty and delicious), and hazelh had brought some (mock!) drug paraphernalia so we could have our version of the book’s pharm parties. I’m not a Dickens fan so didn’t really pick up all the David Copperfield references in the book but nevertheless really enjoyed her writing, despite the length of the book and the grim circumstances of Demon’s life it was a good read. We all seemed to enjoy it. We missed Winsford and LauraMuir, both ill, E who was on holiday and VickyG who is swamped in work, but had a lovely evening. Enjoyed seeing Arclight with her honorary ceremonial hat recently awarded in Helsinki and looking at M’s latest ceramics creations.
Home whilst it was still light…so lovely.

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