
This is week two of Lidl's Italian food. We are not always impressed by the quality in these promotions, but we did enjoy the Tarallini we have bought previously. 'E' upstairs has fallen for them too. So while in Boscombe we got some for him too.

Messed about at home all morning. Mainly trying clothes for an event we are going to. Theme 'glamorous'. That's just not me.

Got myself together around 3pm and we walked along the cliff-top to Boscombe via Boscombe Chine Gardens. Boscombe lived up to its name. We passed 2 different heated exchanges. One between an unhinged character and 2 security guards. The second between a couple (equally unhinged - probably too much drink). In both cases **** words used in abundance.

Back home and played around with this photo of a Tarallino. Luckily works pretty well for todays Mono Monday challenge:-
"MM491..... Leading Lines - circles, lines, arches...Have fun and watch your focus. Your eyes should be drawn to that circle, line or arch". Thanks Carolina.

Heavy rain due early morning. So far, in the last few days, the forecasts have been wrong.

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