MonoMonday: Leading Lines (Whitby Harbour)

After leaving our hotel in Scarborough we spent some time (and had a coffee!) at Scarborough Castle, where I took several potential blips for today's MM challenge of "Leading Lines" hosted by Carolina. After that we drove to Whitby, where we sat on the old pier eating our lunchtime sandwiches - enjoying this view which we decided suited the challenge better than any of the photos I'd taken earlier! So Whitby won its place in my blip today.

Before setting off for home we walked to & from the far end of the north west* pier (on the left of the photo). We're now safely home after a really lovely trip round the country, taking in lots of meetings with relatives and friends.

(* Many thanks to blipper Rockit who kindly corrected me on the orientation of Whitby's piers: I'd forgotten that Whitby Harbour faces north not east!).

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