
I worked from home today.  It was hot.  Even though the harr was in again, the sun was breaking through early, so it was already really hot on my pre-work walk.
I wasn’t really in the mood for work today, it was so hot and sunny – I was half in holiday mode.  However I had to do a training course this morning, which I was only half listening to.  Once that was done I popped out for a  lunchtime walk in the sun.  An afternoon of meetings followed.
I made a veggie curry for tea, with whatever I could find in the fridge.  It turned out ok.
BB was at County Sports today.  He came home rather underwhelmed by the whole event.  He could be a runner, but has never done any training.  He is however, by the far the fastest player on the rugby and football pitches.  He said he was up against boys who were all athletes and were all wearing spikes, so felt he hadn’t a chance.
Later there was another wee walk, just to get my steps in. 
TT came home from work feeling rough, so he did a covid test.  It was negative, so just man flu.  He had an early night.
I love it when you pop into the garden early in the morning and a few rogue poppies have bloomed.  Self seeded, but very welcome to my garden.

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