Rainy (Day 2961)

It was slightly damp for the wander up the hill with Sigyn this morning. By the time I was ready to take the truck to the garage later to get a bit of work done, it was raining. 
The rain continued for most of the morning as I got a few little jobs done. Typically it was at its heaviest when I had to be outside for the longest period of time, collecting a key in Holm. 
I got a good look at a bathroom re-fit I am starting in Holm - great that the customer has ripped out most of it themselves - and was able to organise a list of stuff I will need to collect tomorrow. 
My last trip of the day was down to South Ron to sort out a leak. I have worked for the customer before, and they had no idea where to isolate the water supply to the property. I suggested that they should contact the water company, as they will know where it is. More than a year later they have no idea where the stopcock is and they now have a fairly major leak which is damaging their property. I can't help because I cant turn the water off. If you don't know where to turn your water off, find out now.
Back home to await the arrival of my beautiful wife and snap a pic or two of her flowers. 

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