A walk in the woods
It was another warm day and although storms and rain was forecast we have not had any, it has been sunny all day.
I walked Xena this morning, and when we returned home I fetched my sister and we went into the village to do some shopping. I did grocery shopping and my sister bought a few treats to take back home as gifts, then we went to some other shops in the high street to get other things she needed. Unfortunately when she tried to pay she discovered that the pound notes she had left over from her last trip here in 2017 were no longer in use as our currency has changed since then, so she could not use them as they are invalid. They can be changed at the Bank of England into the current notes, or at certain post offices in London, or paid into a bank account but she does not have a UK bank account so we will have to sort something out.
When we got home I wrapped all the purchases I have made for family in SA - it's a funny thing in the SA culture how one is expected to bring back gifts when you go abroad and my sister felt it necessary to buy small things for various people back home. She will have a fully loaded suitcase when she returns home!
Later in the afternoon we went for another walk when I took this photo.
Tomorrow will be a busy day, I am driving to Cambridge for my sister to see Tommy (and Inca).
Last night we watched a dreadful movie on Netflix - It was called Monday, and is not recommended at all! We felt compelled to watch to the end to see what happens, but it had the most stupid ending ever, and was altogether a silly movie.
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