Made it home before the storm!

Sunday 18th June 2023                           (backblip)

I have also backblipped Saturday's Cinnabar & friends ..... hope you will have a look .... thanks to those who already have :-)

We had rain over night .... I'm sure the garden appreciated it!

We were in two minds as to whether to risk a walk this afternoon as thunderstorms were forecast ...... they weren't supposed  to reach here until late afternoon so we decided to risk it! Really pleased we did!

Not only did we make it back before the storms started but we had several new sightings!

The first new sightings were a pair of Roe Deer in the field ...... did manage to get a couple of shots but they were on the far side of the field & behind a high hedge.
Thank goodness Hubby is tall as he took the photos of them for me ... I could barely even see over the hedge!

We also saw a pair of Common Blue Damselflies mating ..... they were too busy to notice me taking a photo :-)

We had a wander to the pond in Pioneer Wood where we saw several dragonflies.

Managed to get this photo of the Broad-bodied Chaser (male) .... this one was very obliging & rested on a twig several times! :-)

Couldn't manage to get the female or the Migrant Hawkers that were flitting about.

We watched the Buzzards riding the thermals ..... a Kestrel hunting & also saw a Red Kite .... only the second time we've seen one here .... a really good walk!

Made it home shortly before the rain started ..... we had several thunderstorms over the next few hours with some refreshing rain for the garden .... I'm sure I hear the plants singing!

Stay safe everyone :-)

Posting this Monday .... hope to get caught up with my journal soon!

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