Leading Lines

It's been a pretty busy day.  First thing (09:30) I was due at Worcester Hospital for an echocardiogram.  This is a bit like the scan pregnant women have to check their baby, in my case they were checking my heart, definitely X-rated, at least they didn't disclose the gender!

From there we went to Worcester Woods Country Park for a coffee.  I spotted the lines created by shadows through the sloping roof of the cafe veranda, and thought of the theme for today's Mono Monday hosted by Carolina lines,circles, arches, well these are leading lines.

Back home for a short while, then off for a blood test. Too low, back next week.  After lunch Tesco Men arrived.  Finally I spent a good time on the phone to BT sorting out WRAP's telephone number. 

Hopefully tomorrow won't be quite so busy, though we do have to go to Malvern.


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