‘Two Men went to Mow, went to Mow a Meadow....’

.....but unfortunately, without a dog!

A lot of things seem to happen, like clockwork, when I'm out in the park on my early morning run. 

If I'm out even 5 minutes later, or if I've stopped a bit longer to take photos, I know that some familiar events will have passed and that new ones have taken their place. 

Take the woman with the friendly smile, slightly restrained wave and the yellow coat, who I’d meet at precisely the same spot each morning - if I was a few minutes early or late, she’d be somewhere else, or if miss her altogether. 

The person who runs the coffee shack - I would pass her starting to open it up as I was on my second lap around the park. 

Or the mowers, racing out of the council depot in the corner and across the park as I finish my first lap. Where they are going I never know, but they make a great noise going at full throttle, across the paths of innocent dog walkers!

It's all a bit like that scene in ‘The Truman Show’ when Truman Burbank begins to latch on the the fact that his surroundings really do run like clockwork!

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