
By Legacy

Miss Huffy Puffy Is Delighted

Well, there are cards and then there are CARDS!  Special ones are saved and some are put on display until everyone has a chance to see them. Cards like this one end up framed and become permanent pieces of art on the wall because they're treasures that not only are special artwork but are daily reminders of special people.  

My artwork is very special to me which could be one reason I have over 75 pieces of art sitting in a storage facility waiting for me to settle into my own apartment.   Along with the framed cards I have a watercolor of a fox given to me by Mary Jo, a painting of Italy which Rob gave me, photographs of places like Hebden Bridge in Yorkshire, and then there's my rodent gallery made up of an original colored pencil drawing of a hamster drawn just for me, a needlework piece of a cardinal in the snow which I made many years ago and a series of delightful mouse pictures.

My son and I  have a running argument/debate on artwork.  Almost everything he has is abstract and he claims everything I have is of cats or mice.  As a rule I'm not very partial to abstracts and he has little use for pictures of mice.  

This blip is a birthday card from dear friends in England which just may be the best birthday card ever.  I'm pretty sure Lizzie thinks so.  

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