Looking Good in Purple

It has been another wet day..so far.

I had a appointment with my Neurosurgeon this morning to see if the steroid injections worked. Which they haven't. He wants to operate as my spine at L5 and 6 are in a bad way and are getting worse. I would have to go privately as the wait in the public hospital system would be years and there is a great possibility they wouldn't even see me, as I can still walk. So I have a lot to consider. He will try ACC first but there isn't much hope they would pay. The fall I had at the beginning of the year did do more damage to that area. 

I have had a really bad Migraine again over the weekend and I am still not feeling great. I rang my GP but she can't see me until next Monday. Not much she can do as I am still on antibiotics. I did find out about the CT scan. There was no change from the scan I had done in February. The infection is still there. All I can do is keep going to the GP so everything is noted down so the hospital is aware that things are not improving. I am in the public system but under the care of my GP. 

I will try and catch up with your blips when I can. I still can't look at a screen for long because of my Migraine. Thank you all so much for your kind comments, stars and hearts. 

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