Feeling the Heat

After yesterdays news a change of plans and no trip to the rugby for us we had to make do with watching it on TV.  A very nervy match especially when Wigan had a player sent off after 6 minutes. The players pulled together and produced a battling performance and hung on to win 14 - 12 against Warrington . We should have been there but due to Julie's dad been back in hospital we cancelled the journey as the hospital was planning to operate on his hand and wanted Julie to be close by , When she rang up to find out what time it was happening they said it would now be tomorrow so we could have made the journey . Never mind fingers crossed we can get to go to the semi-final against Hull KR .

My blip shows my Father's day gift from Grace which she gave to me last week , as you can see the heat had got to it on the journey down from Leeds , I stuck it in the fridge and its reset so I'm sure it will still taste lovely . With not going to the Rugby I was able to visit Dads grave and place some flowers on his grave I have tried to add the photo as an extra but it wont add for some reason will try later .
A relaxed evening with some general TV viewing 

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