
With a bee even.
Blip wouldn't let me load that one though as it is cropped too much .... so it is in the extras.

I had a nice long video chat with No1 son and his nutcase girls.

I finished the boxes for the wedding vow renewal.
That caused a lot of fun......
When I was waxing one of the lids it got away from me.
I saw where it was heading.....
Do you think I could find it?
Could I bollox!
I ended up moving just about everything in a quarter of the garage - including the old chest freezer, a bar stool (too tall to use at the lathe), the microwave oven (used to dry wood in it - now not reliable) and 2 damned great boxes of wood.....and sweeping up a ton of dust and shavings.
Still no joy in finding the lid.
To save my head exploding I took the microwave and bar stool to the tip.
When I got back I went to put things back....... and the lid was near enough behind me!!!!!!!!!!
But at least some tidying up was done. 
Loads more to be done though.

Oh, and by the way ......... The mug woks ..... with both hot and cold liquids.

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