Father . . .

. . .   and two daughters. We did manage a little Zoom get together for Father's Day. Joanne was on a train bound for St Austell for a gig (always bands we have never heard of!!). (She did go out into the vestibule, she is not one of those so annoying people who carry on such conversations in a carriage full of people.) Clair was in the middle of helping Ella pack. She is in her last few weeks at Primary School and they are going on an adventure week - sounds amazing all the things they will have the opportunity to do. 

We had a few glimpses of granddaughters as they looked in very briefly - here I caught Maisie with her Mum. Alice had just got up - she is recovering after finishing her last exam on Friday! She has worked very hard and deserves a bit of a rest. 

We have just had a torrential downpour - it has certainly cleared the air. 

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