After the cloudburst.

I’m not feeling 100% today. No idea why.
But I made it to church this morning and we did manage to have our lunch outside at the patio table, before the ominous weather signs eventually drove us indoors at the first of several downpours arrived.
I had to go and have a lie down after lunch, but woke to the sound of crashing thunder and torrents of rain lashing down outside.
Stephen had gone up to the gym, and the rain actually came through the roof in places!
Everything in the garden is luminous, but the roses and plants seem to have survived the onslaught fairly well.
I’ve just been outside to find a blip, and always love the way rain rests on Alchmilla Mollis.
I’ll stop now, as I have a headache. Unlike me.
It’s probably due to the weather.
I’ll be back tomorrow.

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