Friday: Meeting the President

Day 2 of the Foreign Secretary's visit - he left this morning and I am pleased to report that everything went really smoothly.  Preparation for this visit has been really intensive for the last few weeks so I am glad that everything was OK.  He is incredibly nice too which helps.  Here he is meeting Dr Ivo Josipovi?, the Croatian President.

We were supposed to have friends visiting this weekend but sadly they have had to cancel due to illness which is a real pity.  

On a slightly different note, I have read this week's blip blog with interest.   The pictures of our mobile world struck a real chord with me, but probably not in the way it was supposed to.  I love blip, and will carry on blipping, but, since I started, over two years ago, I have spent way too much time on the computer.  I read about a quarter of the books I used to, other things stack up, while I try and catch up on comments.  In the interests of trying to get a bit of perspective and balance, I will still be around and will be checking in with your journals but, given that things are likely to remain busy for a while I think I am going to try and make more time for curling up with a good book, rather than surfing blip........I hope that is OK with you.

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