The Bore Wave

We had instructions for watching the bore wave at Arnside and arrived at 10:00am in plenty of time.  We have now learned that different tide table websites give different predictions for high tide and the bore wave has a mind of its own.  The high tide predictions varied from 12:10 to 13:15  The printed table on the pier said 12:39.  There are two sirens that go off, one supposedly about 20 mins before the bore wave is expected off the point and one when it passes. The gap in the sirens today though was about 40 mins because the wave was travelling so slowly.  We waited 30 mins after the 2nd siren, gave up watching and walked back to the car  . More by luck than judgement I was at the jetty checking the tide times and spotted the water direction was turning, ran to the end of the pier and took this photo. This was about 45 mins after the second siren, not the  20 mins that Mr P had assured me I'd have to wait. So instead of a lovely photo from a spot by the water,  you have a  "rush to the end of the jetty with your phone" photo. 
And it was only a little ripple today, not the height of wave that kayakers would be able to ride on.  

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