Double Cheering...

David's post about his run today...

With the possibility of Ruben moving interstate next year and with my autoimmune issues currently in remission I set a goal to run the Bridge to Brisbane later this year. It will be my first running event since 1986. To earn a preferred start, there is a requirement to run an official 10km event in under 50 minutes, so I chose the Brisbane Road Runners 10km Club Championship which was conducted this morning. As often happens in life, you get thrown a curveball. Mine was three weeks ago when running I was involved in a collision with a cyclist resulting in bruised ribs and cartilage damage. My ribs are still giving me some grief but now it’s mostly discomfort rather than pain to breathe. Last week I tested my breathing at parkrun and managed okay so it was then all systems go for today.

I had a good run this morning achieving my aim by finishing the 10km event in a net time of 47 minutes and 15 seconds and gun time of 47 minutes and 28 seconds both times well inside of the less than 50 minute preferred start requirement. I’m hoping all goes well between now and mid October when the Bridge to Brisbane is held.

From Ruben's emailed results...
Hello  Ruben,
Congratulations on completing the Brisbane Road Runners Club 10km event today.  Your net time was 0:39:24.5 and you were placed 34th overall out of 146 in the Male category.  You were placed 1st out of 5 in your age group Male 0-19.
He's now got a Gold medal to go with 2 Bronze medals from early races...

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