An Unexpected Day.

Today, Molly was booked in for her second vaccinations.  

As she's so little, I can fit her in the cat carrier, but my husband came too as he wanted to go and get a prescription.

A nurse took us into a room, then a vet came in.  

Imagine our surprise when she suggested that Molly have two of her big teeth out,

Apparently, they were digging into her gums, and if they weren't taken out now, when they fell out the next ones might grow through all crooked.

The choice was ours, in the end we decided to go ahead with the operation.

We left her there, the house seemed very quiet when we came home.

By 11.30 am she was ready to be collected.

They said she might be a bit quiet for a little while, I said, 'I doubt it'.

We came away with a much bigger bill than we expected.

The joys of owning a pet, but she's worth it.

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