Goodbye Lis

Lis headed off today, driving to Sundsvall to meet up with another friend, and eventually to reunite with her family.  Happily she was feeling better than she had done when she arrived.
People staying in The Red House often comment on how well they have slept, and stressed out people often leave here after a stay feeling less stressed.  Hopefully that is something to do with Jan and I, but the place itself does seem to have some very positive vibes.
Two extras today. The first is a bush honeysuckle, tatarian honeysuckle, or scientifically, Lonicera tatarica.
This is getting photographed because normally it is a sad looking shrub that has never thrived and some years seemed to barely survive.
In such a year the leaves curl up and turn yellow, the flowers are minimal, and even the fruit looks anemic.  Several times we have been on the edge of giving up and cutting it down.
However, now it suddenly grows much higher and blooms profusely. Some leaves look a bit dodgy but in general it seems to be thriving in these drought-like conditions.
Extra two shows our afternoon / evening visitors. Jan has written much about that part of the day and how lovely it was so I'll send you to her blip for the details!

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