Beach Babes

Matty was great last night. He didn't wake up until 7.15. A normal time for me being a doggie owner!!

DN2 then came and collected us and we headed down to the beach for the morning.

The boys were initially a bit hesitant of the noisy waves especially as the tide was really high but they soon got used to it and LOVED it!! They spent ages lobbing pebbles and hearing them splosh!

Then back to DN2s for a bit where I introduced them to running in the rain after a heavy downpour. A greqt memory mine had from their youth so I was keen to help the boys make the same despite Jaspers Daddy having a secret heart attack in the kitchen!!!

Matty has settled well again tonight and has hardly mentioned mummy and daddy which I see as a good sign. They are heading home early tomorrow as the Spa Hotel they are staying in is apparently a s**t hole. Their words. Plus they miss Moo Moo!! Xx

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