Well that was exciting!

A short while ago there was a terrific noise overhead and this Lancaster Bomber passed by the back window crossing the village, then circled and came back over our house!  Fabulous sight which must have been terrifying in its day.

I can only think that it came in lieu of the Spitfire which was due to do a fly past at the village gala this afternoon but didn't make it, possibly due to the rain showers which arrived for the Parade but thankfully cleared for the gala itself.   Local blippers will confirm that or otherwise.

We set up Parkrun this morning, greeted over a hundred parkrunners (including Tony this week) then, after lunch, walked down to the village to take up our positions manning the bouncy castle.  It was a hectic hour managing small people and their grown-ups so we headed for a much needed cuppa and cake at the tea tent afterwards, enjoyed listening to the band for a while, said hello to several folks we only see on Gala Day these days and then wended home to relax before dinner.

And then the Lancaster arrived to round off a great day!

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