It's Absolutely Wonderful........

What joy and amusement .........a crappy old tripod and a plastic camera stuck on it with some heavy duty double sided sticky tape can create.

He even stands like grandma when he takes his pics..... and I am sure that if it was a real camera he might of got a half decent pic of a White Bellied Sea Eagle.

The little man is not so good at the moment with a nasty cough and cold hence being rugged up like he is hiking in Himalayas.

A friend gave us bucket of Limes and Oranges (can't wait for the Mandarins) juicing them we yielded over 2 liters of Lime juice...BONUS.

After despair,
many hopes flourish,
just as after darkness,
thousands of suns open and start to shine.

Rumi (not the dog)

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