Christmas Cactus

………………………….I’m not sure if it’s six months early or six late! It must like it’s new abode as it hasn’t flowered this prolifically for years. It originally belonged my Nana and I inherited it over 30 years ago…and it had been a cactus for many years before that. Not the best photo but I didn’t want to move it and lose all the blooms.

A day with the little one…we’ve washed the car, played in the garden, been shopping after which he napped in the car for an hour. This afternoon has largely been spent indoors or “driving” Gan’s car. We’ve had a walk to the park and watered the garden this evening…he’s still not asleep at 9pm, I’m hoping it bodes well for a lie in tomorrow!

An extra of the wee one at the park this evening.

Thanks to BikerBear for hosting Flower Friday.

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