Early Evening

A rather manic day at work fairly busy due to staff holiday and sickness and meetings . We survived the day which went well. 
Once home I got changed and then went for a walk to search out a blip. Julie came with me so we headed towards the Brayford. 
Still a lovely sunny evening and rather warm. This shot shows the glowing sun casting a lovely light reflection on the water .

Back home tea out the way and now partly watching a rather one-sided football match England away at Malta and 3-0 up to England after 30 minutes . We will enjoy a few drinks later as no work in the morning  .
Edit the relaxed drink went out the window at 9.30 when Julie got a call to say her Dad was unwell again and awaiting an ambulance , luckily I hadn't had a drink was just about to start so a drive over to Metheringham. When we got there the ambulance crew was checking him over and have now taken him to A&E for further tests so 11.15 now and Julie is up there and I am home awaiting news which will probably be in the morning if last time is anything to go by 

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