
Friday 16th June 2023

Up early and a full working morning preparing for a conference next week, a lot to do.

I took a break mid-afternoon and went to play golf at Grange Park. This looks peaceful doesn't it, but it's actually a pond on the course. It shouldn't present much of a hazard but today it did, for both of us! I managed to retrieve my ball from the shrubs. A lost hers but found another instead.  It was rather hot playing and the course was quite empty. 

I nearly knocked out the Pro on the 9th. He was sitting having a drink at a picnic table off the course. Unfortunately my ball didn't stop but did an extra bounce off the course, hit the edge of his table and bounced back on to the course! Oops! That was a close one. 

After  days of no rain, it is forecast to rain at 3pm tomorrow of all days! It's a big day and outside event starting at 2.15pm!

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