Being tourists again................

Our friend, Iain, is staying with us at the moment and on Monday we went on the open top bus to Lands End. Today we went on a boat trip to Godrevy Lighthouse. I've never been on a boat before and I was a bit scared.

Firstly, because the tide was out, we had to get on a little boat to take us to the bigger boat. I was too scared to jump from the little boat to the big boat, so Ann had to carry me. And then, once we were on the big boat, I didn't like the noise it made and I also didn't like the fact that it rocked around a bit. My little heart was beating ever so fast and Ann felt like the worst Collie pup mummy in the world. I'm normally such a chillaxed little Collie pup that it hadn't even entered her head that I might be scared of boats. In retrospect she should have left me home alone for snooze time, but she honestly thought that I would like a day out with my humans. Ann spent a lot of time cuddling me and reassuring me that boats are fun and by the end of our voyage I'd made friends with a few other people, who obviously thought I was the nicest little Collie pup ever. I'm pretty sure that the next time I go on a boat I'll be loads more confident.

After our boat trip Ann wanted to go for a swim in the sea. Iain didn't............ so, he took me to the Beach Bar (where he had a pint of cider and an ice-cream) and we sat and watched Ann swim for 25 mins. Ann is swimming in the sea every day at the moment. She's almost a mermaid. Lol! Having said that, while she was swimming today, it actually started to rain a little bit. It's not at all cold, but here's hoping Mr Sunshine comes back out to play soon.

As soon as I got into the house I went into my bed for a snooze because I haven't had any sleep time today. Fortunately Ann & Iain are going out for dinner tonight so at least I'll have the opportunity to have some uninterrupted snooze time this evening. Yay!

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