
It had the feel of a summer's day. We are experiencing a little bit of a heat wave here with temperatures over 90F for three days in a row. Today was not just hot it was crazy. Landscapers were here working on trimming shrubs and delivering mulch for the gardens. The dog was barking at the men outside adding to the noise level of the cartoon channel and squabbles of the grandchildren. Our friend and electrician was installing a ceiling fan in the family room. When all is said and done it was a very productive day but it did feel like a zoo for a while!
One flower that doesn't mind the heat is these beautiful marigolds. I've read many articles that suggest marigolds are natural insect repellents; either we have very persistent mosquitoes (probably) or it's not true (most likely).
Despite having a pungent scent they are actually edible. They are also being studied for their possible benefits to eye health. They contain lutein and there is hope it can help prevent age-related macular degeneration. Pretty cool fact.

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