
Yet another gorgeous warm (hot!) day. Got up early and did more of the ironing then a brisk walk down to meet DH in Contini’s for coffee and planning. Had to move a couple of times when the sun got too strong and more of a struggle than it should have been to get them to serve me iced coffee (how hard is it to put a shot of coffee in a glass of iced milk?!). Managed to get through quite a lot then home for a sandwich and strawberries lunch before a call with LF. Did some quick packing then over to Portobello to meet up with V. We were surprised how windy it was on the prom so came inland a couple of streets and found a sheltered spot in the sun outside the Forrester’s pub and chatted about family, holidays, ex-workplace, friends and cameras. Moved a couple of times to get a break from the sun and then back into it.
From there drove straight to the Botanics for their summer garden party. Met LE and we enjoyed the drinks and (once we’d chased them down) the canapés then looked round the exhibition in Inverleith House about the links between colonialism, eucalyptus and prickly pear planting….fascinating.
Saw EL but otherwise knew almost no one there….a different crowd to the ones I normally attend receptions with. LE and I had lots to catch up on though so lack of mingling didn’t matter and it was good to see her.
Drove from there straight to A&N’s and took Paisley for a tour of the garden then had a cup of tea before bed.

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