This is what's left of my horsebox's fan belt!! 

It actually came off yesterday. I had just loaded Lime up to take him to the vets for an injection and save myself the £55 call out fee. I pulled off the yard and got round the corner and lots of warning lights came on and the power steering went. Fortunately I managed to reverse back into the farmhouse entrance and unload a furious Lime - he doesn't travel well! Then waited for the AA. 

Unfortunately it wasn't as straight forward as just putting a new one on. He got what he thought was the right one for the van but couldn't fit it. He made some calls and someone sent him a diagram and eventually he discovered there was a part missing to tension the belt. On checking the belt that had come off (found on the road) he discovered it was smaller than the right part for the van so he thinks someone fitted it previously without the tensioner. So we had to track down another part and go and pick that up. Then he couldn't find the right bolt. It went on and on. Eventually it was fixed and I had 15 mins to get home, have some lunch then get back to the yard to get the boys ready for SJ training. Used up all of my day off!! Anyway that was all yesterday. Thankful it happened that way as could have been miles from the yard and at least we still got to go show jumping.

Today has been work and kid taxi-ing and making a start on cleaning the Skoda which is hopefully going at the end for something smaller, more economical and reliable. It's just been used to go back and forth to the stables for the last few years so there's a lot of hay and horse hair in it, various bits of tack and a twix that went out of date in 2016!! Must try to keep the new one cleaner!

In other news we now have a pet baby pigeon! It fell out of the nest in the barn. A couple of the ladies put it in a bucket with a drink and some grain and expected it to die, anyway it didn't and decided to jump out of the bucket and fell off the shelf twice. We were worried the farm cat would get it and couldn't just leave it so I ended up bringing it home as no one else offered. Didn't expect it to last the night but it has! Like we haven't got enough to do!  

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