Coffee and catch up

Today has flown by, and this is the only photo I managed to take.
It was another freezing cold day with pockets of drizzle. We debated whether to play golf, but decided to give it a go. We managed 18 holes in weather that seemed to change every few minutes, ending up with sunshine. Hot chocolate at the 19th was the drink of the day!
Back home I did the usual housework before going to meet up with a  friend that I haven't seen since her husband died nearly a year ago. Where does time go....I am making an effort to catch up with friends - one can so easily lose touch with people who have been so much part of one's life.
We had a special afternoon together. This is a photo of her lovely patio and view. She lives in a beautiful home on her own, but has a carer who visits most days ( she is 87 and still looking amazing)
Back home to a movie evening in front of the fire - it is raining again.
Tomorrow is a public holiday. It will be good to stay at home and relax.

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