Swirls of colour

Reminds me of a stick of rock! Oh I do like to be beside the seaside ....

Colour was the theme chosen by Ingeborg for this week's Abstract Thursday :-)

This started out as a photo of two peony flowers in the sunshine ...... bet you're saying "I knew that"!

Tried various different effects & filters ..... decided I liked this one best ... hope you like it too :-)

I've given it a 'twirl' & intensified the colours.

Lovely to have the sunshine again ..... still got that gusty breeze & it's got stronger through the afternoon ... dried the washing so I shouldn't complain!

Think the latest update from Windows has put a bit of a gremlin in the computer .... it's been doing some odd things ..... hope it settles soon!

Beware - rant to follow!

Had an email from BT informing me that they are going to discontinue the traditional landlines within the next few months!

All operators are doing the same. I am really annoyed about this as I don't have the router plugged in & switched on except when I am actually on the computer using it. This means yet another thing that will have to be "on" using electricity when it really isn't necessary!

How can we save electricity when everything has to be plugged in or charged? Not impressed by this at all!
This does also mean that in the case of a power cut there is no phone line with which to call anyone ... not even 999 in an emergency!

Their suggestion is to use a mobile ..... what if there's no signal or you don't use one? Not an ideal situation in my mind!

Rant over!

Stay safe everyone :-)

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