Help! Someone Has Let the Air Out of Our Rabbit!

It is summertime, and the living is easy. There are rabbits in the yard, several of them, multiple different sizes. This is a picture of the largest rabbit, who has two hobbies, besides eating clover, which it is very good at.

One is that it likes to sit around all hunched up, looking like a bun-loaf. The other is that it likes to lie flat like this, looking like some kind of furry yard-snake. It can give a person a heart attack. What's wrong, rabbit!???

But there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with this rabbit that we can tell. Shortly after I took this picture, it got up, moved around, and went back under a hedge. Then it followed my husband around the yard for an hour.

I've joked that we should name the rabbit Flat Stanley, after an old story book character. But my husband thinks this rabbit is female, and preggers. So I don't know. Flat Stanlietta? Hmm. . . .

I don't have a lot of songs about flat, except for this one. So here are two versions of it. The only connection is the word flat, as the rabbit does NOT play the Tennessee Flat-Top Box, like Johnny Cash and his daughter Roseanne do!

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