Isolation / Solitude

On This Day In History
1877: First African-American graduate of West Point

Quote Of The Day
"The year wears away - the last year it is too - and I find myself near graduation with every prospect of success. And from the beginning to the close my life has been one not of trouble, persecution or punishment, but one of isolation only."
(Lieutenant Henry Ossian Flipper)

Bonus Quote Of The Day
"It can get very lonely out there. Also very isolated. I think isolation is available everywhere. In the icebox, in the home, in your minds. All the time.
You can make isolation into loneliness and make yourself, I think, more miserable.
But I think isolation can lead to solitude. And solitude could be also very powerful positive an emotion and thought that - and feeling! - that takes you to another state."

(Oliver Stone)

A hectic but fantastic day at school! My class had the I.P.C. Exit Point today in which they presented all their learning about the human body to their parents. A carousel event with presentations about the digestive system, the dangers of alcohol and tobacco, eyes, the heart and pulse rate and mindful eating. My class excelled themselves - not easy - and the parents were as proud of them as was I. A big part of the rest of today was spent getting them ready for their school assembly presentation about human rights, and I am extremely confident that they will be amazing again. I'm really going to miss teaching this class!

Dimitri's Bar

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