
Having a free day and another hot and sunny forecast it seemed a good opportunity to do a walk that in some respects would mirror a day on the Camino. The Magnificent 11 which links seven green space habitats on the Southside is a walk I have done countless times usually with pals and in an anti-clockwise direction because in our opinion that makes for a more interesting walk with a few tweaks of our own. So today doing it in the orthodox way it seemed a little strange and I made a few navigational errors, several of the way markers had disappeared or were hidden vegetation. It didn’t seem to matter and by and large I followed the correct route which was exactly 11 miles. I felt good and I’m confident I could have done another 5 which is more like a typical Camino distance.
A shower, a swim and a sauna at the Nuffield on the way home rounded off a good day.
The blip is Snuff Mill Bridge, a mile or so into the walk.

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