Team pic!

I started the day with a phone call from a guy who'd seen one of the homeless women and was extremely concerned for her personal safety... Not a lot I could say except that there are people who know and love her and a place she knows she can go to several times a week, but yes, hugely vulnerable. It's so hard when there's no mental health support here and people don't want the little help that's available. What can you do??
The rest of the morning was with the ES guys. Always time well spent. From there we collected the kids and headed straight to meet Stephen and Gemma for our monthly walk. We also took a needed team pic!
They and Danny loaded up the 24-7 van with stuff and took it up to Sa Penya. One elderly lady, mother of many of our friends, immediately accepted a nice armchair for outside her home!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Billy's concern.
2) Sarah making Nate a batch of gf and dairy free carrot cake muffins.
3) The mammoth effort by Danny, Stephen and Gemma to get the stuff up to SP. I was home with the kids.

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