Hot hot,hot!

4:30 am and the sun was a red ball in the sky welcoming another day of an Orkney heatwave and nobody was complaining. 20° at 6pm is seriously hot here.
In the luggage I brought with me are a woolly hat, a woolly scarf and gloves. Absent from my luggage is a sun hat and sun lotion.

After the last jig at the Kirkwall town Hall , the Cheeky Monkey Taxi Service inc. transported me to Sheila Fleets’s restaurant and jewellery shop for lunch. It’s such a treat because without a car the converted church is not very accessible.

After lunch we repaired to headquarters in Orphir to admire the views, top up our tans and enjoy G&Ts. There was much hilarity as I was forced to straddle a sun bed in order to gain access with my short legs while keeping it under the shade of an enormous Gunera plant.

These friends mean so much to me and It’s been a lovely day spending time with them.

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